domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

The first Victor Hugo Viscarra book

By: Emerson Callejas Tapia

Viscarra's Dictionary  succeds admirably in whole the book, this pale white small pocket version that was sold out in a limited edition of 1000 copies only, has hundreds of slang words and funny idioms. This first edition from 1.981 with a prologue from Dn. Antonio Paredes Candia and an Introduction of Viscarra himself is a good book resource for any social and linguistic scientist.

An interesting detail is that the book is dedicated to Viscarra's brothers Guillermo A. and Elena T.N. for those who study the life of the writer. Talking on this, I just visited Viscarra’s father tomb in the same Cemetery in La Paz Bolivia.

I had no idea that Viscarra had brothers, a friend of him told me that in the day of the funeral, his sister was the only person who cried like nobody expected.  Anyway I'm sure that there must be a bunch of other interesting matters in the life of any writer. What's important here is the main dictionary.
If there’s something I can confirm you, is that, you won’t say that this book is boring as hell. Tons of funny words, adjectives, nouns, idioms, slang and  more bolivian slang.
It has three editions and several pirate copies as most of the Viscarra’s books in Bolivia.
Since the writer passed away, his books are still masterpieces of  drunk devoties .
When you come to Bolivia if you see in the several street vendors of books in the streets, please buy it or die. 


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